« Mathematics are the skeleton of the world, physics is the flesh. »

Cédric Villani

ICAY, the gateway to astronomy

The International Congress of the Astronomical Youth, an initiative of the Société Astronomique de France under the patronage of Hélène Courtois and Jean-Philippe Uzan, is a seminar for students in the field of astrophysics. Taking place at the Ecole Normale Supérieure on 28, 29 and 30 June 2024, the event will bring together international delegations from astronomical societies and universities around the world for conferences, exchanges and round tables. The aim is to bring together the future scientific research community and act as a catalyst for international projects.

Patrons of the event

Hélène Courtois


Hélène Courtois is a specialist in cosmography, best known for her discovery of Laniakea - our supercluster of galaxies - and for her model maps of the distribution of dark matter in the universe.
She conducts her research at the Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis in Lyon (IP2I). As a member of the International Astronomical Union and the Institut Universitaire de France, she is also very involved with students, particularly as Professor and Vice-President of Claude Bernard Lyon-1 University.
She is continuing her work by supporting the ICAY and International scientist youth through this congress.

Jean-Philippe Uzan


Jean-Philippe Uzan is director of research in theoretical physics at the CNRS. He works at the Paris Institute of Astrophysics. A specialist in cosmology and gravitation, he has worked on numerous theoretical and observational cosmology problems, as well as on tests of general relativity and the equivalence principle, both in the solar system and on astrophysical scales. solar system and on astrophysical scales. He has written several monographs and many popular works, including some for young readers. He is committed to disseminating knowledge, particularly to the SAF via the Petits Cueilleurs d'étoiles and the Montreurs d'étoiles. He seeks to spread scientific culture as widely as possible by working with artists, in particular through music and theatre. His latest books are L'Harmonie secrète de l'univers (La ville Brûle, 2017) and Big Bang (Flammarion, 2018).

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